Saturday, May 16

Max The Story So Far

Max and I met when I had first came to Australia. He was nice, sweet and a gentleman to me that made me feel welcomed. We started dating and for a while I thought everything was going to be great. Until one day it just didn't feel the same anymore. So we broke up but he's remained my greatest of friends and a lovin' fuck buddy, or as he likes to say, "friends with benefits"

The Stats

Name: For the intensive purposes of this blog he is Max.
Age: Just like a song out of The Sound Of Music, he is eighteen going on nineteen.
Occupation: Philanderer 
Relationship Status: Just got out of a terrible relationship with his ex who I call Anastasia, aka "WHORE!"
Personal Status with me: Friend's with benefits 
Body: Not too shabby, got a nice six-pack on him, an result of way too much spare time and frustration taken out after his last break-up
Penis: Maxy-boi is cut(although he not a jew, parents preferred it i suppose), he has a nice think penis that always seemed to fill me. Last time I saw it, it was around the seven or seven point five mark. And his ball sack always used to make the most erotic sound when it hit me when he fucked me hard. Made me melt.